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Rolando Villazon


Deutsche Grammophon
Release Date: January 21, 2014

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Mozart. Concert Aria: Con ossequio, con rispetto. Rolando Villazon
Tenor Rolando Villazon BBC interview
Rolando Villazon 'Il mio tesoro' Don Giovanni
How do opera singers prepare for a role debut? Tenor Rolando Villazón shows us
My Favorite Deutsche Grammophon Album by... Rolando Villazón
1 Mozart: Si mostra la sorte K 209  
2 Mozart: Dove mai trovar quel ciglio?  
3 Mozart: Per pieta, non ricercate K 420  
4 Mozart: Va', dal furor portata K 21  
5 Mozart: Misero! O sogno o son desto?  
6 Mozart: Aura che intorno spiri  
7 Mozart: Con ossequio, con rispetto K 210  
8 Mozart: Or che il dover  
9 Mozart: Tali e cotanti sono  
10 Mozart: Clarice cara mia sposa K 256  
11 Mozart: Se al labbro mio non credi K 295  
12 Mozart: Musst ich auch durch tausend Drachen K 435  
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It has been a triumphant year for Rolando Villazón, appropriately crowned at Berlin's Konzerthaus on October 6, 2013 with the "Best Solo Recording/Voice (arias/recitals)" award for his highly-praised Villazón Verdi tribute at Germany's 20th ECHO Klassik ceremony. The star tenor not only collected the prestigious solo artist prize, but also performed and co-hosted the annual event, for the second time. Now the singer is putting the focus squarely on his most beloved of composers: the coming year will be "all Mozart, all the time," Villazón proclaims, and presents his new album, Mozart Concert Arias – a collection of rarely recorded concert arias for tenor written by the genius composer, recorded with Sir Antonio Pappano and the London Symphony Orchestra. The album will be released January 21, 2014 in the US.

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