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Rolf Lislevand

La Mascarade


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Tour Dates

1 Prelude En Re Mineur - Robert de Visee
2 Passacaille En Re Mineur - Robert de Visee
3 Les Sylvains De Mr. Couperin - Robert de Visee
4 Intro Passacaille En Sol Mineur - Rolf Lislevand
5 Passacaille En Sol Mineur - Francesco Corbetta
6 Prelude En La Mineur - Robert de Visee
7 La Mascarade, Rondeau - Robert de Visee
8 Partie De Chaconne En Ut Majeur - Francesco Corbetta
9 Sarabanda Per La B - Francesco Corbetta
10 Chaconne En La Mineur - Robert de Visee
11 Caprice De Chaconne - Francesco Corbetta
12 Chaconne En Sol Majeur - Robert de Visee
13 Folie - Francesco Corbetta
14 La Muzette, Rondeau - Robert de Visee
15 Intro Passacaille En Si Mineur - Rolf Lislevand
16 Passacaille En Si Mineur - Robert de Visee
17 Exit Passacaille En Si Mineur - Rolf Lislevand
18 Sarabande En Si Mineur - Robert de Visee
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In this inspiring album – his first solo disc for ECM – Norwegian early music performer Rolf Lislevand turns his attention to the music of two composers from the court of Louis XIV: Robert de Visée (c. 1655-1732) and the Italian-born Francesco Corbetta (c. 1615-1681), and plays their masterpieces with historical awareness and an inventiveness which belongs to the tradition. De Visée wrote about playing what the instruments themselves called for, advice Lislevand takes to heart here, adding improvised introductions to passacaglias from both composers.

14 NEW  46 TOTAL
C24, CBC
Direct: SiriusXM, AccuRadio
Markets include: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, St. Louis, Seattle, Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Portland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Buffalo, Albuquerque, Honolulu, Canada
Online: Taintradio

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