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Artist: Steven Kroon
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Steven Kroon:

Without A Doubt

Without A Doubt is Steven Kroon's 4th CD, and like his other recordings, he's proud of the music and the quality of the production. In each one of his productions, he's noticed the growth and quality of his music, which he says is attributed to his band. Through the bands live performances and camaraderie, they have developed their own sound, and this has enabled them to bring their live performance sound to the recordings. Just like the artists from back in the day, they would first play their material out in the clubs prior to going into the studio. This allows you to find the right tempo and groove for each tune. Kroon says he's always loved this concept.

Kroon speaks about the members of his Band: Igor Atalita is my musical director; he is very instrumental in the sound of the band. He also served as co-producer on my CD. Bryan Carrott has also added much to the detail of the band, and his musical solos speak for themselves. Ruben Rodriguez adds the foundation and the glue, his sense of timing is impeccable. Craig Rivers bring his rich sound as well as his gift of ensemble playing. Diego Lopez has a great knowledge of rhythm. He also has the gift of taste, touch and timing. My special guest Bobby Franceschini has a vast range of all genres of music. He has a creative spirit that doesn't limit him to any boundaries. As for his very special guest Carla Cook, I've always been in awe of the quality and tone of her beautiful voice. I knew that by adding her voice to this project, it would make it extra special. Last but not least myself, Steven Kroon, I am the servant of my music. My mission is to touch and inspire as many people as I can through the sounds and rhythms of my music. I also provide the spirit of the groove.