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Artist: Julie Andrews | Carol Burnett
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Julie Andrews | Carol Burnett:

The CBS Television Specials

Today it may sound like an unlikely pairing, but Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett joined musical and comedic forces on the New York stage for a few glorious nights during the golden age of prime time television. Masterworks Broadway releases Julie Andrews & Carol Burnett: The CBS Television Specials in a new, specially priced 2-CD set, with the Lincoln Center recording available for the first time in the digital era. It will be available for purchase on CD and digital download exclusively via Masterworks Broadway. The double set will be available from all retailers and digital service providers on May 8, 2012.

42 New 'ON' this week: 47 Total
SYND: Dial-Global, Jazz Inspired, PaulLeslieHour
Markets include: New York, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Portland, New Orleans, Long Island NY, Madison WI, Albuquerque, Jacksonville FL, Wichita KS
Online: Live 365,, Humboldt 101, GreenArrow