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Artist: Break of Reality
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Break of Reality:


TEN is Break of Reality's third album and follow-up to their 2009 Spectrum of the Sky release and more recently their 2012 Covers release which highlighted the band's arrangements of J. S. Bach, Metallica, Nine Inch Nails and System of a Down. The quartet gets more than 20 million plays a year on Pandora Radio and their video performing the theme for the HBO series "Game of Thrones" prompted The Huffington Post to marvel, "This electrifying rendition…blows any other version of the GoT tune clear out of the water." The clip, has more than 2.5 million youtube views.

6 NEW  35 Total
Markets include: New York, Boston, Seattle, Houston, Detroit, New Orleans, Albuquerque, El Paso, Madison WI, Chattanooga TN
Online: Second Inversion, GreenArrow